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时间:2023-01-02 05:31 阅读数:5211人阅读

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burglar和thief有什么区别?沪江网校知识库burglar通常指入室盗窃或室内行窃的人。可以看出thief的含义比较广,包括了burglar,可以说burglar是thief的子集。例句1:Mr. Scott chased the thief for 100 yards.burglar是什么意思-burglar翻译_burglar的发音、翻译、参考例句-可可查词1.The burglar began to blackmail her.这个夜盗开始向她勒索。2.Take this stick to beat the burglar with in case you find one.拿着这跟棍子,万一遇到窃贼你就用棍子打他。

burglar是什么意思?burglar翻译(中文英文)夜贼…《抓鸟》英语词典英文解释名词:1.a thief who enters a building with intent to steal burglar≈burglar的解释和发音「欧路词典」英汉-汉英词典为您提供权威的en单词解释_真人发音_用法_例句this week they’re putting in a burglar alarm!That’s really shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. 上星期他们的银器全被偷了,这星期他们才安装防盗报警器!。

o(╯□╰)o burglar的英语解释,英文词典意思It inspired the burglar 's desire for easy money. 这使盗贼顿生搞不义之财的念头。The burglar was caught with the stolen goods still on him. 窃贼被捕时人赃并获。She came home early burglar的解释和发音「欧路词典」英汉-汉英词典为您提供权威的en单词解释_真人发音_用法_例句this week they’re putting in a burglar alarm!That’s really shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. 上星期他们的银器全被偷了,这星期他们才安装防盗报警器!。

╯^╰〉 burglar是什么意思_burglar怎么读_burglar翻译_用法_发音_词组_同反义词_窃贼-新东方在线英语词典发音:英[ˈbɜ:glə(r)] 解释:n.窃贼;破门盗窃者;夜盗;Burglar是什么意思_Burglar的读音_解释_例句_英妈妈Why any burglar should take such a thing passes my understanding,for it was only a plaster cast and of no real value whatever.阿瑟·柯南·道尔.福尔摩斯归来记.You must remember that。

burglar的解释和发音「欧路词典」英汉-汉英词典为您提供权威的en单词解释_真人发音_用法_例句this week they’re putting in a burglar alarm!That’s really shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. 上星期他们的银器全被偷了,这星期他们才安装防报警器!这可真是马burglar_burglar是什么意思_英语在线翻译大全I saw a burglar yesterday,and I saw a burglar today. 我昨天看到了一个小偷今天也看到了Burglar one shoots burglar two,our victim,and takes the sculpture. 一号盗贼开枪打死了二号盗贼。

