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green volunteers

时间:2023-01-17 15:52 阅读数:5552人阅读

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green_earth_有道手机词典1.green earth:绿色地球|土绿2.Green Earth volunteers:绿家园志愿者|绿家园3.Green Earth Power:绿色地球能源更多释义1.Saving water is a duty,green earth a better place. 节约用水是阅读理解Green invaders(入侵者)are taking over America.Not invaders from space,but plants!You might not think of plantsNow there are many researches on this.According to one of them,some volunteers are asked to lie with their feet higher than their heads for weeks.And scientists write down their 。

Green Spaces-Landscape,Lawn&Garden Services,Boulder,ColoradoWelcome to Green Spaces Garden Services of Boulder Residential&Commercial Landscape Management Have you ever wondered how much it would cost to have a professional maintain and cutGreen Condom ClubNatural latex condoms:the same pleasure without toxic chemicals!Plus,they are vegan,have transparent ingredients and low smell.。

⊙▂⊙ 芝士回答【解析】根据该题的句子成分可知,该句缺少谓语动词,根据题意,应该选择volunteer一词充当谓语动词,表示志愿,由于主语为第三人称单数,并且是一般现在时态,应该用volunteers,第三人称单数Volunteers绿家园:全称绿家园志愿者(Green Earth Volunteers),成立于*6年,是中国*早成立的民间环保NGO之一。江河环境介绍.环境. www.chinagev.org - whois 域名年龄词语URL 花都志愿者网|花都义工网。

【green_tariffs】什么意思_英语green_tariffs的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_在线翻译_有道词典minded volunteers,not busy families. 而这其中更为动态税费适用成功的报道显得复杂—这其中多数是绿色理念的志愿者,而不是那些忙碌的家庭。youdao 更多双语例句But criticsGreen HealthcareFortunately for Canadians,organizations exist that care about hospital waste and its impact on our environment.Collectively,they are the"Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care,。

‎App Store 上的“Green Up Vermont”A Vermont tradition since 1970,Green Up Day is a statewide event when over 22,000 volunteers come together to remove litter from roadsides and public spaces. This is the official 槟城友好绿色之家酒店(Friendly Green House)Agoda 网上最低价格保证,即时订房服务All the explanation was done by mates and volunteers,and I didn't meet any staffs during my stay in here.Except that,I didn't mind.here is very good place.Personal lock is 。

